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Movement Disorder Specialist in Houston TX

Movement Disorders

Have a Question? Call or contact us

Movement Disorder Specialist in Houston TX

Movement Disorders

Have a Question? Call or contact us

Our dynamic team of movement  disorder specialists critically examines every patient and provides individualized patient specific care and treatment.

Expertly training and certified faculty of McGovern Medical School at UTHealth, specialize in diagnosing, treating, and managing a patient’s movement disorder.

Patient Care

From the very first appointment, optimizing a patient’s  quality of life and addressing the needs of our patients is of the utmost importance. Our clinical staff has decades of experience working with a wide variety of patients. Our physicians strive to minimize patient stress and number of appointments by efficiently and comprehensively examining patients. This allows our physicians to create treatment plans that are specific to an individual patient and tailored to the needs and goals of the patient.

Scope of Expertise

  • Deep Brain Stimulation: Patient selection and intraoperative mapping for  electrode placement, programming, and management
  • Spasticity management: Comprehensive pharmacological and surgical therapies including selection of Intrathecal Baclofen Pump patients,  baclofen lumbar puncture trial and assessment, refill and programming of intrathecal Baclofen pumps.
  • Botox injections with or without EMG guidance
  • Administration of rating scales for motor, non-motor, cognitive, depression and ADL’s
  • Neuroimaging including spine and brain CT, MRI, functional MRI, DAT scan, FDG PET, and SPECT.
