Scoliosis is a relatively common spine condition among children and adolescents hitting their peak growth spurt, but what’s uncommon is how it is treated at UT Physicians. Five providers help form a multidisciplinary team that specializes in a wide range of care for scoliosis patients. June is Scoliosis Awareness Month, the perfect time to highlight the extraordinary team of experts in our practice who help those with spinal deformities.
“What is unique about our situation is that our entire team, made of both pediatric and adult surgeons, collaborate on our scoliosis cases,” said Shiraz A. Younas, MD, a pediatric orthopedist and associate professor in the Department of Orthopedic Surgery at McGovern Medical School at UTHealth.
Behind the scenes of each case, multiple providers weigh in on a best course of action for the patient in the short and long-term.
Lindsay M. Crawford, MD, a pediatric orthopedist and assistant professor in the department, recalls the beginning of her career at UT Physicians and the scoliosis team.
“When I started at UT Physicians in 2013, we all had a collective vision to start a spine program that completely focused on the patient and family experience,” said Crawford. “We have worked on perfecting each point of contact during a patient’s time with us, from their pre-operative evaluation, to the day of surgery, and post-operative care.”
The providers not only focus on adolescent idiopathic scoliosis, but also other forms of the condition and pediatric spine disorders.
“By providing care for a multitude of spinal conditions, including other variations of scoliosis, we can deliver the same tailored care to more patients in the Greater Houston area and beyond,” said Surya N. Mundluru, MD, a pediatric orthopedic surgeon and assistant professor in the department.
Timothy C. Borden, MD, a pediatric orthopedic spine surgeon, believes that the care provided by this multidisciplinary team is unique and ultimately benefits the patients and their families.
“We harness the collective experience of our pediatric scoliosis surgeons, physical therapists, and orthotics specialists to develop the most advanced, evidence-based treatment plans for our patients – whether the case is considered mild, moderate, or severe,” said Borden, who is also an assistant professor in the Department of Orthopedic Surgery at McGovern Medical School.
Patients of the scoliosis and spine deformity program have the ability to see the same team of providers, from childhood into adulthood.
“We provide our patients and their family comfort, convenience, efficiency, and state-of-the-art care in a one-stop shop setting. We are able to deliver exceptional spine care from birth to adulthood,” said Shah-Nawaz Dodwad, MD, orthopedic spine surgeon and assistant professor in the department.
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